Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Experience your good now

Recently I completed a teachers course in "Heal Your Life" using the Philosopy and Teaching of Louise Hay. It was quite an amazing course, and details about the courses I will be running in Dublin and Wexford will follow shortly.

In the meantime, I would like to promote Louise Hay's new book. It is called "experience your good now", and here is what Louise has to say about it.

Hello Dear Ones,

I often ask people to look into their own eyes and say something positive about themselves every time they pass a mirror. These positive statements are affirmations. Are you willing to change your self-talk into positive affirmations?

A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn't create good experiences for us. Notice the way that lonely, unhappy, poor, sick people talk. What words do they use? What have they accepted as the truth for themselves?

We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives. That's why I'm so pleased to introduce you to my new book, Experience Your Good Now! I love this book because it's all about affirmations and how you can use them in your own life.

Do you always begin a conversation with a complaint? Do you realize that every complaint is an affirmation of something you think you don't want in your life? Every time you get angry, you're affirming that you want more anger in your life. Every time you feel like a victim, you're affirming that you want to continue to feel like a victim.

If you feel that Life isn't giving you what you want in your world, then it's certain that you will never have the goodies that Life gives to others.

Positive affirmations are soluti ons that will replace whatever problem you might have. By repeating these affirmations over and over, you'll be planting new seeds in the fertile soil of your subconscious mind, and they'll become true for you.

I'm delighted to include a CD in the back of my new book. Do listen to the CD for at least 30 days. If you drive a car, it's a perfect companion on the road. If you have an iPod, it's the perfect companion when you walk and exercise. Let these ideas permeate your consciousness until they become a part of you.

The books is available on Amazon or from any good bookseller, and as a bonus, Louise is giving away a seat on a cruise to the Carribean. Nice!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Hidden Messages in Water

I have to tell you about a book I saw recently called the hidden messages in water. It is by a Japanese guy called Dr Masaru Emoto, and here is what is said about the book.
This book has the potential to profoundly transform your world view. Using high-speed photography Dr Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed towards them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex and colourful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colours. The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health.
Isnt that amazing. What is provides is proof that our thoughts can change reality. Anyone who has looked in any way at the law of attraction will be familiar with the concept of thoughts creating reality, but in this book Dr Masaru Emoto offers proof of the fact.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Heal your life course

Last week I spent on a "Love Yourself Heal Your Life" workshop. This workshop uses the philosophy of Louise Hay to use the power of positive thinking to make changes in your life.
The course was a teacher training course, and I am now qualifies to run the Heal your Life workshops. Another good friend, Life Coach, and accredited heal your life teacher, Jules Gorman and myself will be running courses starting Summer 2010. Check back for details.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Change Your Life in 21 Days.

In conjunction with another life coach, I have developed a course in life change.
The course is called “Change Your life in 21 days”.

The course grew out of a coffee between myself and Jules Gorman, who is just about the most energetic and charismatic person I have ever met. Both Jules and myself are life coaches who have an affinity for teaching. When we began to discuss the content of such a course it became clear that we were mostly of one mind as to what should be included in it, but with sufficient differences due to the unique routes we both took to get to this point in both our lives. And so the course was born. It is a 6 week course, 1 night every week, for one and a half hours a night.

Change is simple in theory, but very difficult in practice. The theory says that you look at who you are, and where you are first. Then you look at who you want to be, and where you want to be. Next you examine all the ways of getting you from where you are now, to where you want to be. And finally you commit to one of your chosen paths.

In practice however there are many pitfalls which makes this theory difficult. Even step one, who are you, can be very difficult to many people, and cause them a great deal of stress. It is difficult to describe yourself accurately, and it can be very painful doing so.

What this course will do is not only to guide you through the steps required, but also to arm you with tips and techniques to enable you to break down the barriers to change. It is a course for everyone, which I hope will bring positive change into the lives of all who attend. Click here for further information.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Subliminal software. Subliminal software is software which puts messages up on the screen on an ongoing basis. Each message only lasts for a fraction of a second, not long enough for your conscious mind to read, but long enough for your unconscious mind to read and accept.
The power of sumliminal messages has long been understood, and sumliminal advertising has been banned (in Ireland at least) for many years now.
However the use of subliminal software to flash positive affirmations constantly on the screen seems to me to be an excellent one. My personal favourite is a piece of free software called Subliminal Blaster. Google these two words and you will find the software easily.
I have used Subliminal Blaster for almost 6 months now, and find it to be an excellent and simple piece of software. It does what it says on the tin, and when I switch on my PC, I simply start this software along with it. I find that it does not slow the PC down or in any way affect its operation. (One thing though, when adding or editing the affirmations, make sure you save your work. If you set up a new affirmation file you will have to exit the software to save it.) But these are very small gripes.
The changes that the software has made to me....well lets just say that I am satisfied enough with them to recommend it to others. It certainly has not single handedly changed my life, but then it never said it would. Instead, it is a free, and simple to use tool, which i use daily to help keep my focus on the things I want from this life, and my energy channelled to achieve them.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Weight Loss - A Coaches Experience

Coaching and losing does not work terribly well. For years I have struggled with my weight. I have always liked my food, and grazing in the evening was a favourite pastime. The fact that I grazed on chocolate and biscuits only compounded the problem.

My experience with dieting was that they always worked - temporarily, but that when I reverted to normal eating habits the weight came back on. I like taking exercise and this helped me lost the weight, but 5 consecutive rainy days would come and I would be back at square one. (For info, I am Irish, and 5 rainy days in a row are not uncommon here.)

Then a life coach said something profound to me. He asked me why I wanted to lose weight. I said to be healthier, to be fitter, to live longer and to feel better about myself. So he suggested that those be my goals, rather than losing weight simply for the sake of it. I therefore took the simple goal of being as healthy as I could be for the next 3 months. The purists among you will have correctly identified that this is not a SMART goal, but notwithstanding I tried it anyway.

The first amazing thing to happen was that I gave up on chocolate and biscuits. When I say gave up, I mean completely cut them out of my life. What makes this amazing to me, is that for the first time in my life I did not have any cravings. In my mind, chocolate was not consistent with “being healthy” and it did not make any sense to eat it. On day one I bought two bars of my favourite chocolate and left them in the fridge. There they stayed until 3 weeks later my wife ate them. Every day I opened the fridge, every day I saw them, and not once did I want to eat either of them.

After a few weeks people began to notice. I was getting comments on how well I looked, and how much slimmer, or fitter I looked. I had stopped weighing myself so I had no idea if they were right, but I certainly felt better, slept better, and was more alert during waking hours. In addition, my clothes all fitted me better, and I spent a lot less time in front of the TV. In short, I was happier, I felt healthier, and felt that I was making real progress toward my goal.

I had always chosen Christmas as the end date. I felt that with all the good food, parties, and general “slobbing out” happening I decided that I would evaluate my progress just before that all started. In general I felt that progress was good. So it was with some anticipation that I looked at my weight just before Christmas, and got my first shock. I had hardly lost any weight. I had lost 5 lbs in 3 months, which was my worst performance ever. Over Christmas I reverted to normal Christmas food, drinking, partying and generally paying no attention to myself and what was happening, and then I got my second shock. My mood became worse, so much more negative and intolerant. I became lazier and spent time watching rubbish on the TV. Yes the weight came back, but by this time, I didn’t care about that. I had finally started to love myself, and enjoy being healthy, taking the exercise I wanted, trying new things, meeting new people, and I really missed all that.

Two things came out of my experience. Firstly having a goal which involves losing something does not work permanently. It is much better to pursue a positive goal, and to introduce a change into your life which you want to be there. This change is sustainable and you will find that after a month of conscious change, the new life will become second nature and you will find yourself doing it unconsciously.

The second thing to come out of my experience is that anything is possible, but that the goals must be genuinely what you want. If they are, then not only does change become possible, it becomes inevitable.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Have you ever asked your own opinion

We constantly ask people for their opinions. On matters financial, we ask accountants or financial advisors. If we are sick we ask doctors, on legal issues we ask lawyers. But when was the last time you consulted the acknowledged expert in what you should do next. This is a person who knows what you are like, what your hopes are, and over the years has come to know what you can do. Of course the person I am talking about is you.

Most people never stop to think of it, but the person who knows you best is you. So why not make a pact with yourself to consult this expert when you need help with your life. Ask him or her what your goals are, and how you can achieve them Ask him or her if your life is in balance, and work, family, health and recreation are all getting their fair share of attention. Ask him or her if your life is fulfilled, if you help others and if you are happy.

If he or she answers in the negative on any of these, that is not a good thing. However there is some really good news. He or she will have all the answers as to how to turn things around, and to get you back living a balanced and fulfilling life again. He or she is easy to meet, but sometimes they are not always prepared to listen or to talk. You have to make an appointment with yourself, to find somewhere quiet where you will not be disturbed, and where you can give all these issues a good airing, and run through all the possibilities.

Good luck. If you have trouble contacting yourself, then contact me. I will help you make contact.