Monday, April 26, 2010

Heal your life course

Last week I spent on a "Love Yourself Heal Your Life" workshop. This workshop uses the philosophy of Louise Hay to use the power of positive thinking to make changes in your life.
The course was a teacher training course, and I am now qualifies to run the Heal your Life workshops. Another good friend, Life Coach, and accredited heal your life teacher, Jules Gorman and myself will be running courses starting Summer 2010. Check back for details.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Change Your Life in 21 Days.

In conjunction with another life coach, I have developed a course in life change.
The course is called “Change Your life in 21 days”.

The course grew out of a coffee between myself and Jules Gorman, who is just about the most energetic and charismatic person I have ever met. Both Jules and myself are life coaches who have an affinity for teaching. When we began to discuss the content of such a course it became clear that we were mostly of one mind as to what should be included in it, but with sufficient differences due to the unique routes we both took to get to this point in both our lives. And so the course was born. It is a 6 week course, 1 night every week, for one and a half hours a night.

Change is simple in theory, but very difficult in practice. The theory says that you look at who you are, and where you are first. Then you look at who you want to be, and where you want to be. Next you examine all the ways of getting you from where you are now, to where you want to be. And finally you commit to one of your chosen paths.

In practice however there are many pitfalls which makes this theory difficult. Even step one, who are you, can be very difficult to many people, and cause them a great deal of stress. It is difficult to describe yourself accurately, and it can be very painful doing so.

What this course will do is not only to guide you through the steps required, but also to arm you with tips and techniques to enable you to break down the barriers to change. It is a course for everyone, which I hope will bring positive change into the lives of all who attend. Click here for further information.